
雖然大部分人買錶都唔係為保值,但或多或少列佢入其中一個考慮點~ 除咗人人皆讚嘅勞力士,其實其他牌子都有啲款係幾保值,歸根究底都係睇需求!一齊睇吓有咩致勝關鍵因素!

1. 品牌

最保值嘅牌子,不外乎Rolex、Patek Philippe、Audemars Piguet等,除非喺冷門貨,否則都唔洗擔心貶值~ 不過,唔好以為Omega、IWC、Panerai等牌子就好難放,其實符合其他條件嘅話,都可以賣得一個好價錢!

2. 材質

好多人都覺得貴金屬款最保值,其實 答案就未必:因為係市場上,最高需求的是平易近人的鋼款錶,大家甚至會含淚食炒價入手,但貴金屬錶超公價的情況就相當罕見,無計嘅,價錢太高難以負擔確實係致命傷,冇鋼錶襟用之餘亦唔太易襯。

Sea Dweller 126600

Please kindly note that Rolex is unavailable for online pricing and direct ordering through website at current time, as current market supply and demand is constantly in flux, please send us an enquiry for a more informed decision regarding the most updated price offers and availability.

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Cosmograph Daytona 116500LNWH

Please kindly note that Rolex is unavailable for online pricing and direct ordering through website at current time, as current market supply and demand is constantly in flux, please send us an enquiry for a more informed decision regarding the most updated price offers and availability.

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4. 功能(不可太複雜)


5. 限量、稀有款

唔係個個限量款都保值,往往係經典款+特別顏色/設計,效果就會遞增~ 例如近期的Tudor Black Bay Green、綠水鬼等等,就係一個好例子!